Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki

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Side quest
Side quest
Bauer Farm
Quest giver
Sir Hanush of Leipa
St. Michael's sword
Waldensians (codex entry)
Previous quest
On the Scent

Waldensians is a side quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. This quest is time-sensitive.


Uzhitz has an uninvited guest - the Archbishop’s Vicar. He claims to be here to hunt down a group of heretics in the area. But Sir Hanush is of a different opinion. He thinks the Vicar has come here in order to snoop around his own estate. This is why Sir Hanush wants to see him off back to Prague.
My first task was to go to Uzhitz, find the Vicar and report to him. Let's hope my status as Sir Hanush's envoy will make the right impression on him.
My first task was to meet the Vicar, who looked and sounded to me like a typical emissary of Holy Mother Church - a little arrogant and haughty. But then he has to shepherd his flock, I suppose.
Helping the Vicar wasn't as straightforward as I'd hoped. He sent me right away to find the assembly place of the Waldensian heretics, which was no easy matter, since all he gave me to go on was the testimony under torture of a heretic taken prisoner in Kuttenberg. The poor wretch was evidently in a delirium from his suffering and his description of the route to the Waldensian's meeting place resembled more a passage from the Book of Revelations.
I managed to track down the place where the heretics probably assembled. It was a small, well-hidden glade close to the Uzhitz fishpond.
I searched the assembly place from top to bottom and eventually found something that could be a useful clue - an ornamental wooden cross.
The cross belongs to the Bauer family. I'd better tell the Vicar.
The Bauers and their farm hands meet every evening for supper. I'm to creep into their loft and eavesdrop on how they pray. That should clarify whether they're heretics or not


  • Get rid of the Vicar.
  • Talk to the Vicar.
  • Find out from the Vicar how you can help him.
  • Find the Waldensian congregation.
  • Explore the gathering place.
  • Find out who owns the cross from the assembly place.
  • Ask Father Godwin who the cross belongs to.
  • (Optional) The Bauer Farm is suspected. Report it to the Vicar.
  • Sneak onto the Bauer property and eavesdrop on their evening prayer.
  • (Optional) Talk to Father Godwin.
  • (Optional) Persuade the Bauers to flee.
  • Pass the message to the Vicar.
  • Report to the Vicar.
  • Give word to Sir Hanush.
  • Report to Sir Hanush.



  • Once Henry receives the Heretic's testimony he should quickly try to find the Waldensian congregation before nightfall, otherwise the quest fails.
  • Once he has found the clearing and the wooden cross, he should proceed quickly back to Uzhitz and consult either Father Godwin (if he is sympathetic) or the Vicar (if he is not), otherwise the quest fails.
  • If he is sympathetic, he should head directly to the Bauer Farm and then back to Father Godwin.
  • It might seem counter-intuitive to tell the Vicar about the Bauers after helping them to flee, but it is necessary to complete the quest. Failing to do so will cause it to fail.

